Moms on a Night Out Discover Colorful Fun in the City

New Construction Creates fun experiences that feel like discovering a secret.
OKC Ferris Wheel close up
OKC Ferris Wheel lights

I recently discovered one of these secret places while looking for some fun with my mother-in-law.

The intention behind this particular trip to Oklahoma was to attend the bachelor party of Jay’s oldest best friend. We also include time to spend with his parents who live just outside the city. As is tradition, I would not be attending the bachelor party, which gave me and Mom time to find a fun way to spend a few hours. My Mom-in-law and I have grown close over the more than 28 years we’ve been related. We have similar interests when it comes to having fun, and we enjoy doing things together.

The Wheeler District

I discovered the Wheeler District while browsing the internet for things to explore in Oklahoma. The Wheeler District is a planned community encompassing 150 acres which previously housed a small airport. Located just outside downtown Oklahoma City, construction of the district began in 2006.

District designers planned for the usual apartment complexes, schools, green spaces, and houses, but in 2016 they brought in something historic and unique.


According to their website, the 83-foot-tall Ferris Wheel first opened in the famous Pacific Park near the Santa Monica Pier in 1996. Purchased on eBay in 2008, the wheel was completely refurbished and installed near the Oklahoma River in the Wheeler District in 2016.

OKC Ferris wheel
Wheeler District OKC Sculpture

The giant, brightly lit wheel is easy to spot for miles around, but the more subtle signage makes finding the entrance to the park area more difficult. But once you enter the driveway/parking lot, the rest is easy.

Mom and I talked about our enjoyment of riding Ferris wheels, and she told me that she had previously been unable to find anyone to ride with her. Even when she recently attended the state fair, her friends were either afraid of heights or not interested in the ride. Both of us giggled like children as we explored the area.

The Park
Wheeler District Wall
OKC-Container Mural

The large grassy lawn area in front of the wheel is introduced by the 12-foot-tall, metal O-K-C sculpture by artist Hugh Meade of Factory Obscura. Mentioned on the website as the “most selfied” spot in the city, the sculpture provides an ideal photo opportunity, especially with the wheel and Oklahoma River behind it.

The grassy green lawn is framed by multiple hammock swings and offers games such as cornhole and frisbee. The open area feels relaxing, which I find remarkable this close to I-40 in the heart of the city.

To one side of the lawn, four stacked cargo containers painted with a mural form one edge of the park. Picnic tables with giant Jenga games line the sides of a Bocce Ball court, leading to the beautiful gazebo-style enclosed patio. A large pad for food trucks fills the area between the patio and the entrance to the Ferris Wheel.

The Ride

We arrived just after dark on a Saturday night. Tickets to ride are purchased at the small building in the front ($6 per adult for a single ride, or $10 for a day pass). The ride’s 20 six-person gondolas are large and sturdy. The brightly colored, dancing lights reflect in the Oklahoma River 100 feet below.

In the Hammock Under the Ferris Wheel

In true Ferris Wheel style, movement around the wheel is steady and not too fast. The stops at various heights on the wheel offer unique views of the new District to one side, and the Oklahoma City Skyline to the other. A few trips around, and the ride is over.

After riding, we walked to an open hammock and laughed as we shakily piled into it without falling out. We rocked and talked, two grown women bonding over stories fun stories of rides we rode as kids, and even with our kids.

We strolled through the grass, watching a group playing Jia Alai. After sitting at the picnic table chatting while watching people run and play, we decided to ride again.

My Recommendation

When visiting the Wheeler Ferris Wheel, I suggest buying the day pass from the start because you will want to ride again. Find those people who share your sense of fun and go do the things!

You can follow the Wheeler Wheel on socials and find hours, events, and information on their website.

One thought on “Moms on a Night Out Discover Colorful Fun in the City

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